The Practicing Christian Outreach Trust
Statement of Purpose
About Us
Conferences/ Crusades
Creation vs Evolution
Young Samuels Project
Donate to PCO-Trust
The Genesis Evangelism
Getting Involved
Church Planting
Prayer Requests
Volunteers and Staff
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Everyone of us people have important values and ideas, things we care about and want to share.
Sometimes we feel our ideas can even change the world, (and for sure they can), and we want to let other people know how they can join in and make all our lives better.
Here is an opportunity for you to speak for change - to facilitate this change in this troubled world, your voice will be very much important.

The Practicing Christian Outreach Trust was Co-founded by a group of mature Christians and Leaders from different backgrounds and walks of life.
We are a People on the Move; We shall conquer the World for Jesus, because it is our mission field.
Contact PCOTrust today and make meaning of the Word of God.

"Forever oh Lord! Your Word is settled in Heaven.." Psalm 119:89

Mission Statement

"Strengthening the Foundations, Facilitating Change, Transformation and Unlocking Potential, Purpose and Destiny".
We are a people on the Move!


Evolutionists say you evolved from an "Ape creature" to the handsome/beautiful you!
Is it true!?

We are often asked why the creation/evolution controversy is so important. Tempers flare, sometimes explosively, over this issue.
Some people think, there are enough problems with the image of evangelicals without creating unnecessary controversies. Is it just a matter of interpreting Genesis?
If so, then let the theologians debate the issues and leave me out. But let's not obscure the simple message of the gospel. Others wonder, is it just a scientific argument? If so, then why should I care about the controversy? I'm not a scientist. Well, I think much more is at stake than that. It has to do with the very nature and character of God!

The Word of God is our "Mannual" for life and if we are to live, then the mannual must have the answer. if the mannual says it - then that is what it is.

Check our 'Creation/Evolution Page Now!

"A People on the move - we are a people of the Mandate"

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.