Young Samuels Project

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Children and Women are the most Vulnerable to the effects of HIV/AIDS and Poverty in Africa. As a matter of fact; these children have God ordain Possibilities and Potential within them. They need you and I to facilitate the raising of the Giants within themselves.

Many of the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) have lost Self Esteem, they struggle with Identity Crisis and are Psychologically defeated and broken down. In africa, most homes are headed by teenagers due to the effects of the AIDS Pandemic and poverty; lack of education has rocked the continent causing a gap between the now and the future!

Mission Statement

Touching Heaven - Changing Earth; as we help hurting children world-wide; Facilitating change and transformation; maximising of potential for excellence.

James 1:27
They have no one to Care for them - You can!

Many Children like these are found struggling to make ends meet. The Children in the picture tell a typical story of the struggles of Children who are left to fend for themselves. This is a family headed by a 14 year old looking after the other 4.
We just cant do without helping them get back to life's prime directive.


We wish you to be of james 1:27